
Hi Everyone !

My name is Press Start To Review, or PSTR for short. Not my real name, but I like to keep things private. I am your average everyday guy. I have no film credentials, I don't work for a major game developer.  I go to school, I study, and in my free time I play games and watch movies.  I've been a gamer and film watcher for the last 18 years,  I noticed that sometimes there is overt bias and a lack on integrity is some major review sites for games and movies, so I started this as a way for consumers to get honest reviews.  I want people who visit my site to understand a game of film in depth enough to know exactly what to expect when they pick the game up or buy a movie ticket.

If you have any questions for me, please contact me at with the widget on the side of the page.  I will be happy to respond to any feedback!

If you would like to get to know me a bit better, here is a more in depth about me post


Thank you, PSTR

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