Saturday, April 2, 2016

Deadpool: Worth The Effort of the Reboot?

Deadpool is sort of a risk for Fox.  The company released its less than stellar reboot of Fantastic Four, and it also had to make up for its missteps with X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which I still claim is the worth birthday present I have ever gotten.  I thought they were insane when the cast Deadpool as Ryan Reynolds again.  He wasn’t awful in Origins, but I would have thought they would want to distance themselves from that dumpster fire.  On top of that, his performance in Green Lantern was nothing to write home about.  So does Deadpool hold up, Or does Fox screw it up again?  Surprisingly, it’s actually really enjoyable.

First things first though, this is opposite of a kids movie.  This is an anti-kids movie.  This movie is a hard R rating.  Actually I think Deadpool is the type of movie that would make a joke about the fact that I just said “hard.”  But yeah, this movie not for kids.  There are butts, and boobies, and blood, and guts, and mommy-daddy wrestling.  So yeah, go with your buddies, just not your kids.  On to the review!

Deadpool is a comic book movie about a super hero who is legitimately insane.  Not like joker murder innocent people insane, more like talk to people who aren’t there insane.  This insanity leads to some hilarious situations and set pieces.  I never laughed hysterically at Deadpool, but it is easily the funniest comic movie I have seen.  That being said, there are Deadpool jokes that fall flat on their face.  T.J. Miller’s character in particular was given some really bad lines.  One about a topographical map of Utah was especially awful.  To his credit, he says them as best as he can, but no one can polish a turd that well.  Some jokes just sound better in the writer’s room.

The special effects are spectacular.  The first scene on the bridge, and the opening credits are beautiful.  But the thing that stands out to me is Deadpool’s mask.  This is how these types of masks should be handled.  The mask’s eyes get wider and narrower expressing emotions.  Sure This isn’t the most realistic thing in the world, but It really makes if feel true to the comics.  It’s pretty neat. 

The only thing that I remember disliking about this movie is that the villain and the plot overall were a bit generic.  I really could not have cared less about this villain.  He was one of the most generic and under developed villains since Yellow-jacket from Ant-Man.  Marvel in general needs some better villains.  All the best ones belong to Fantastic 4, X-Men, and Spider-Man.  All the properties Marvel sold...yikes. 

Overall, Deadpool is a good movie.  But outside the first action scene, there’s not much to remember it by.  There are some really funny scenes.   But the lack of a story meant thatI forgot it about a day after watching it.  It’s not bad, and it’s certainly not for kids, but it does make for a great rental.  

If you guys want to buy Deadpool, it's now out on DVD/Blu-Ray! 

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