Reviews and Recommendations

Hey guys, this is just a small page so that you can see my reviews in an easy to digest way.  All of my reviews are posted in reverse chronological order, but I figured having the links to the reviews and recommendations in a single place will make it a lot easier to navigate the site.  This is also a nice way to get acquainted with the site, my style of writing, my views and opinions.  I believe this page represents some of my best work, and I hope that you all enjoy reading it as much as a I enjoyed creating it.  I have a couple reviews up for games, movies, game accessories,and everyday products that I think can come in handy whether or you're watching a movie, playing a game, or drowning out all those cats in the alley way behind your apartment.

I will also be putting up a similar page to help out when navigating all other miscellaneous things like the How-To's and the editorials, is what you would call them.  I might also in the future split up game and movie content because I know that people who game, might not be into movies and people who love movies may dislike video games.

I am going to be adjusting and reworking this page quite a bit, so bear with me as I figure out what is is I need to do to make navigating the site easier and less painful for both you and I.  As usual any and all suggestions are very welcome!

Here are just a handful of my work, I hope to be adding to this page and my overall blog more and more over the coming weeks!

Thank you guys so much,


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