Saturday, February 27, 2016

3 More Oscar Movies You Should Watch Before The Oscars

I was on themovieblog, when I came across an article titled, "5 Films You Must See Before The Oscars."  I found this list interesting.  It mentions several films I had not heard of. I watched a few of them and found them enjoyable.  I thought "Steve Jobs" was an amazing movie that I would have missed otherwise.  However, I think that he missed a couple movies that I think people need to watch before the oscars air.

1) Mad Max Fury Road

None of this looks safe to me

You've probably already seen this one, but it's a damn good movie.  Mad Max: Fury Road is a visually spectacuar movie. in every imaginable way.  There is almost no CGI, with almost all of the stunts being done using practical effects.  It is a movie designed as candy for your eyeballs.  There is a shot that made my jaw drop mid way through the movie, where the camera is ahead of the chase scene, and you can see the heat waves rising off of the desert with all of the 30 vehicles involved in the chase coming from the horizon with men on poles swinging back and forth in slow motion.  If that last sentence makes the movie sound ridiculous, don't worry, it is.  The movie is incredibly over the top in a fantastic way.  It is also a movie that is highly feminist.  Furiosa is a character that is strong independent, and determined.  There's a scene where Max is struggling to land a sniper shot.  Furiosa extends a hand and Max gives her the gun, without word.  Furiosa nails the shot in one attempt, and Max grunts in approval.  Not in a derisive way, but that's just how Max talks.

2) Ex Machina

This is a movie that isn't up for anything big.  It's a movie that is nominated for best original screenplay.  However, the script isn't the only good thing about it (but the scripts is pretty great).  The acting by Domhnall Gleeson, Alica Vikander, and Oscar Issac.  They portray their roles excellently, especially Alicia Vikander.  She has to straddle the line between a believable human performance as well as a believable artificial performance.  Seriously, she acted the crap out of this role.  Oscar Issac has been one of my favorite actors ever since I saw him in 2008's "Drive."  He is consistently amazing, and you stop seeing him and only see the character he is portraying.  The script is amazing.  The dialogue keeps you engaged even though it is talking about dryer subjects such as the Turing test, and what it means to be human, when does a machine become a slave, as well many other topics that could be considered "super heavy, bro."

3) The Martian

I don't think this movie is going to win many Oscars, if I am brutally honest. However, it is a personal favorite.  The movie is about Matt Damon needing to get saved again.  Seriously, Matt, you need to get rescued more than Princess Peach, YA BURNT!  Anyways, The thing that I love about this movie is its up beat positive attitude.  Other people would be morose, quiet, and pessimistic, but Damon's character Mark Watney is incredibly optimistic.  He is upbeat and quite funny throughout the ordeal.  That upbeat attitude is reflected in the music with cheesy up beat disco music making up a good deal of the sound track.  Even if this movie doesn't win any Oscars, it is still a good time.  I highly recommend it.

There you have it.  I think that Themovieblog's list is a great start, and I hope that my list also helps you find some movies you like.

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