Friday, February 26, 2016

Which Pokemon is the Best Starter? Kotaku Answers!

Do you like pokemon?  What am I saying, of course you do.  This is a gaming blog, it's a requirement.  If you don't like pokemon then you see that back button in the upper left hand corner, press that because this blog will make no sense to you after this point.

This debate is now almost 20 years old.  My friends and I as well as the entirety of the internet have debated on one thing.  Which starter pokemon is the best?  For the people who didn't click out of the page when I told them to, at the beginning of the game you are given your first pokemon, and you have a choice.

You can choose the grass type Bulbasaur, the water type Squirtle, and the fire type Charmander.  There are a lot of arguments as to which one is better objectively.   Bulbasaur is better for the early game when you face off against rock types and water types, but is worse at the end when you fight fire types.  Squirtle is probably the most well rounded be good at first, weak in the middle, but finishes off strong. Finally, Charmander is very difficult to use at the beginning, but pays off at the end.  Also it turns into a god damn dragon.

Well, Kotaku got in contact with the creators of Pokemon, and they weighed in with what they thought was the best starter.  It's an incredibly interesting read.  They're reasons are more personal than what we might think of.  They even go into which is their favorite 3rd generation starter.

All that being said, Charmander is the best starter.

Weird Plant Golem

Genetically Engineered Turtle


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